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Workforce Solutions Roundtable

The Tri-State Workforce Solutions Roundtable started taking shape within Peer Learning Network discussions in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Leaders in these discussions recognized they share common issues related to workforce. 


Small towns and rural communities across Wyoming, Idaho and Montana wrestle with workforce issues. And what a complex basket of issues filling jobs that keep our communities ticking and thriving can be! Finding and retaining qualified workers, affordable housing for employees, access to childcare, aging populations, language barriers, broadband access, employment obstacles for disabled and disadvantaged residents, seasonal employment, and other challenges can be especially acute in rural areas.


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Full Workforce Solutions Roundtable Recording

Keynote and solutions stories speakers


Below you will find the presentations for each speaker linked to their name, this link will take you to a file share webpage to view or download the presentation. You will also find the timestamp for each speakers presentation in the video above. You may also view this video on YouTube here.


Keynote Address with Deb Brown, Co-Founder and Principals of Save Your Town. Save Your Town helps small towns implement practical steps you can put into action right away. The Idea Friendly Method used in most of their work will be the basis of one of the breakout sessions during the roundtable. Keynote begins at 16:27


Solutions Stories


Paige Olsen Silver Valley Economic Development Corporation - Silver Valley, Idaho - "Community-initiated school-based career technical education with a tie-in to mining businesses in the valley." Begins at 48:05


Davey Madison, Montana Cooperative Development Center -"Cooperatives create local solutions by local people" Using cooperatives to tackle community workforce issues. Begins at 57:56


Cyndy Radovich, Sweet Zola, Boise, ID - How small businesses can employ people with disabilities. Begins at 1:08


Amy Murphy, Western Wyoming Community College - "Valuing Education & Industry Partnerships" Power line technology program. Begins at 1:16


Sean Claffey, Southwest Montana Sagebrush Partnership - "Youth Employment Program, Dillon, MT" hands-on training in conservation work. Begins at 1:23


Jade Stellmon, WSU School of Medicine - "Family Medicine Residency Program- Pullman, WA." Begins at 1:31


Troy Reichert, Guernsey, Wyoming - "The Sunrise Wyoming Project" Skilled Trades Summer Camp. Begins at 1:39


Reflection and event wrap-up begins at 1:46

Additional Workforce Solutions Resources


Idaho Workforce Development Council Childcare Expansion Grants


Industry, Innovation, Employer, Outreach, and Childcare Expansion Grants

Next Steps

Free career development website supported by the Idaho State Board of Education and ID Workforce Development Council

Talent pipeline

US Chamber of Commerce and Idaho Workforce Development Council Talent Pipeline Management training.

Next Steps Connections

Next Steps Idaho Connections build a bridge between education and the world of work.

youth apprenticeships

Idaho Workforce Development Council and Idaho Department of Labor youth apprenticeships program.

WeCAN programs are supported by USDA’s Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Grant #2020-08548, which is part of the AFRI Foundational program.

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